WinTweaks 1.0

Free Free optimization system to tune up your PC and boost its performance
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
Used by 8 people
Free   1.3 MB

Inadequate or wrongly set up Windows services are part of the problem when it comes to a poor system performance. WinTweaks analyses them and offers you solutions to fix all those common service-related problems that most users are unaware of. Besides, if you happen to be a gamer, the program provides you also with specific tweaks to improve your gaming experience significantly.

The program’s interface is not only attractive and well structured, but also easy to navigate. The left side of the window houses a set of clear and large buttons that comprise all the program’s main functionality. There you will find all the features aimed at enhancing your Windows services and two specific utilities – the Gaming Mode tweaker and the Rescue Center.

In order to optimize the efficiency of whatever adjustments WinTweaker does to boost your PC’s performance, it will ask you to fill in a User Profile first. This will help the program to know how your particular hardware, security, Internet, network, and system functions are configured on that specific PC. According to this profile, WinTweaker will perform a thorough service diagnosis and will inform you about which services are already optimized and require no further action on your side, and which others require some fixing. If you agree with the program’s diagnostics, it can fix all the issues found with just one click. The Automatic TuneUp function will use this User Profile thoroughly when tuning up your system. Alternatively, you can turn to the Manual TuneUp option, where you can tweak all of your system’s settings yourself.

As different activities require different settings, WinTweaks allows you to define and save as many Services Profiles as needed. This will help you, for instance, to switch to and from gaming mode to standard mode, or to Internet mode... The Gaming Mode utility requires you to fill in a specific user profile that the program calls Gaming Profile. Here you will be asked specific game-related questions about your system’s hardware, the Windows functions, visual effects, etc., that will help the program to make the most of your computer to improve your gaming experience. Finally, the Rescue Center has been designed to protect your services settings by backing them up and restoring them when needed, or to reset all Windows services to their default settings.

As said, WinTweaks is a free system optimization tool that pays specific attention to how your Windows services have been set up. There are a number of other reasons why your PC might be acting slow, such as a clogged Windows Registry full of broken and obsolete entries or a growing lack of disk space due to a massive accumulation of junk and temporary files, but regrettably this tool doesn’t deal with those or any other performance-related issues. Adding these features would certainly round out this app, but their absence does not detract from the overall high quality of this tool’s functionality. Not so many 100% free system-tweaking tools out there can boast of providing the amount of service-related optimization tools – complete with gaming-specific tweaks – that WinTweaks does provide.

FM Senior editor
Francisco Martínez
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Attractive and well-organized interface
  • Includes specific tweaks for gaming
  • Manual and auto tuneup tools
  • Specific user settings for system optimization
  • Manages your services' startup options


  • No Registry-related features available


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